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2023.06-至今,     河海大学,博彩网 ,教授

2011.04-2023.06,河海大学,博彩网 ,副教授

2007.03-2011.04,河海大学,博彩网 ,讲师

2014.04-2015.04荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology),访问学者


2011.09-至今,     沿海开发与保护协同创新中心“淤泥质港口航道工程平台”骨干研究人员


(1) 河口海岸水沙过程与环境效应

(2) 河口海岸水动力、泥沙及地貌数值模拟

(3) 海岸环境水力学


(1) 海岸环境水力学

(2) 计算水力学

(3) 现代潮汐潮流预报技术及应用

(4) 海岸环境动力学数值模型及应用(研究生课程)


(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目潮控型中小河口泥沙捕集与滩槽系统动力地貌响应研究(52071129)2021-2024主持

(2) 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作与交流项目多因子驱动下粉砂淤泥质潮滩演变机制及模拟(51620105005)2017-2021,课题负责

(3) 国家自然科学基金青年项目河口海岸污水排放近区的密度效应研究,(51109074)2012-2014主持

(4) 高等学校博士学科点新教师基金河口海岸污水扩散的水流斜压效应数值模拟(20090094120005)2010-2012主持

(5) 国家重点研发计划:典型承灾体海域多致灾因子耦合智能预报技术 (2023YFC3008103-2)2018-2021参加

(6) 国家重点研发计划课题变化条件下河口海岸滩涂动态响应及演变趋势 (2018YFC0407501)2018-2021,专题负责

(7) 国家重点研发计划课题变化环境下河口海岸水安全保障关键技术研究与应用(2016YFC0401505)2016-2019,专题负责

(8) 江苏省交通运输科技项目重大专项支撑腰沙-冷家沙海域通州湾港区开发决策关键技术研究(2017X01)2017-2020课题负责

(9) 江苏省海洋科技创新专项项目基于海港资源可持续开发的江苏沿海滩涂围填控制线研究(HY2017-6)2017-2019,课题负责

(10) 江苏省海洋科技创新专项项目江苏海域海浪精细化数值预报系统研究及应用(HY2019-1)2019-2021,课题负责

(11) 河海大学中央高校科研专项江苏大规模围垦对水沙运动过程的影响(2010B03014)2010-2012主持

(12) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题长江口及其附近海域三维斜压近岸流系预报,(2010CB429001)2010-2014,子课题负责

(13) 国家自然科学基金面上项目南黄海辐射沙脊群海域水沙通量与演变机制(51179067) 2012-2015,主要参加

(14) 国家自然科学基金面上项目滨海火()电厂温排放扩散机理试验研究(50779016)2008-2010,主要参加

(15) 条子泥海堤外港槽变化及护滩保堤抢险措施研究,2021-2022年,主持

(16) 温岭市松门镇礁山渔港中心码头工程波浪、潮流泥沙数学模型试验,2016-2017主持

(17) 盐城港射阳港区航道减淤研究咨询服务项目2023-2024,参加

(18) 南澳码头工程(口岸)波浪潮流泥沙试验研究专题项目2021-2023,参加


(1) 包沐曦, 陶建峰*, 张长宽, 杨婷. 河道温排水掺混模拟与温脊线特征分析. 水动力学研究与进展(A), 2015, 30(3): 291-298.

(2) 周智鹏, 陶建峰*, 张长宽, 徐凡, 姚静. 南黄海辐射沙脊群西洋水道污水输移扩散研究. 海洋通报, 2015, 34(1): 65-71.

(3) 张琴, 陶建峰*, 张长宽, 戴玮琦, 徐凡. 台州湾浅海滩涂大规模围垦下水动力变化分析. 海洋通报, 2015, 34(4): 392-398.

(4) Xu F., Tao J.*, Zhou Z., Coco G., Zhang C., Mechanisms underlying the regional morphological differences between the northern and southern radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu Coast, China. Marine Geology, 2016, 371: 1-17.

(5) Xu Z., Chen Y., Tao J., Pan Y., Sowa D. M. A., Li C., Three-dimensional flow structure of a non-buoyant jet in a wave-current coexisting environment. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 116: 42-54.

(6) Xu Z., Chen Y., Tao J., Pan Y., Zhang C., Li C., Modelling of a non-buoyant vertical jet in waves and currents. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2016, 28(5): 778-793

(7) Yang J., Tao J., The retention and transport patterns of pollutants in the Radial Sand Ridges of the South Yellow Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 75(SI): 183-187.

(8) Zhang Q., Tao J.*, Yang J., Numerical study on the transport timescale in a river-influenced macro-tidal estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 75(SI): 193-197.

(9) 戴玮琦, 陶建峰, 张琴, 张长宽, 徐凡. 椒江河口水沙特征分析和悬沙分布推算. 水道港口, 2016, 37(2): 128-134.

(10) 张琴, 杨洁, 陶建峰, 张长宽, 张晓. 河口海岸物质输运时间尺度研究进展. 水利水电科技进展, 2017, 37(6): 88-94.

(11) 蒯宇, 陶建峰, 张青, 张长宽. 甬江及口外海域潮流泥沙数值模拟. 水运工程, 2017, (7): 58-67.

(12) 蒯宇, 陶建峰*, 康彦彦. 金塘水道悬沙场遥感反演及数值模拟. 水道港口, 2017, 38(3): 228-234.

(13) 姚静, 陶建峰*, 杨洁, 李云良. 南黄海辐射沙脊群潮汐通道水流输运示踪模拟. 海洋环境科学, 2017, 36(3): 437-446.

(14) Xu F., Coco G., Zhou Z., Tao J., Zhang C., A numerical study of equilibrium states in tidal network morphodynamics. Ocean Dynamics, 2017, 67(12): 1593-1607.

(15) Chen X. D., Zhang C. K., Zhou Z., Gong Z., Zhou J. J., Tao J. F.*, Paterson D. M., Feng Q., Stabilizing effects of bacterial biofilms: EPS penetration and redistribution of bed stability down the sediment profile, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2017, 122, 3113-3125.

(16) 张青, 陶建峰*, 张长宽, 齐华萍. 浙江甬江潮波传播特征及影响因素分析. 人民长江, 2018, 49(11): 3-8,11.

(17) Tao J., Xu F., Yao P., Zhou Z., Zhang C., The variations of sediment transport patterns in the radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu coast, China over the last 30 years. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85(SI), 216-220.

(18) Yao J., Tao J.*, An Investigation of the mixing and exchange characteristics in tidal channels of Radial Sand Ridges in the South Yellow Sea, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85(SI): 136-140.

(19) Lu C., Li H., Dai W, Tao J., Xu F., Cybele S., Zhang X, Guo H., 3-D Simulation of the suspended sediment transport in the Jiaojiang Estuary: Based on validating by remote sensing retrieval. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85(SI): 116-120.

(20) Gong H., Tao J., Xu F., A particle-based study on the sewage dispersion in Radial Sand Ridges in the southern Yellow Sea, China. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 2018, 847-851.

(21) 史源, 陶建峰*, 龚政, 谭亚. 基于EOF法的长江口高潮位时空变化特征研究——长时间序列的高潮位EOF分析. 海洋通报, 2019, 38(3): 296-303.

(22) Sun T., Tao J., Yao P., Numerical modeling of multi-fraction sediments under the combined effect of wave and current, in Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2019, 2787-2792.

(23) Shi Y., Tao J., Gong Z., Tan Y., EOF analysis exploring factors contributing to temporal and spatial variations in the tidal level of the Yangtze River estuary, in Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2019, 3606-3610.

(24) Zhou Z., Tao J., Wang K., Zhang J., Sun Y., Numerical simulation of water exchange ability in Xiyang channel on the Radial Sand Ridges of South Yellow Sea, in Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2019, 595-602.

(25) Tao J., Wang Z. B., Zhou Z., Xu F., Zhang C., Stive M. J. F., A morphodynamic modeling study on the formation of the largescale radial sand ridges in the Southern Yellow Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2019, 124(7): 1742-1761.

(26) Xu F., Coco G., Tao J., Zhou Z., Zhang C., Lanzoni S., D'Alpaos A., On the Morphodynamic Equilibrium of a Short Tidal Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2019, 124(2): 639-665.

(27) Yao J., Li Y., Zhang D., Zhang Q., Tao J.*, Wind effects on hydrodynamics and implications for ecology in a hydraulically dominated river-lake floodplain system: Poyang Lake. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 571: 103-113.

(28) Yang J., Kong J., Tao, J., Modeling the Water-Flushing Properties of the Yangtze Estuary and Adjacent Waters. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2019, 18(1): 93-107.

(29) 张长宽, 黄婷婷, 陶建峰, 倪立. 江苏海岸潮滩剖面形态与动力泥沙响应关系. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(3): 245-251.

(30) Chen L., Zhou Z., Xu F., Jimenez M., Tao J., Zhang C., Simulating the impacts of land reclamation and de-reclamation on the morphodynamics of tidal networks. Anthropocene Coasts, 2020, 3(1): 30-42.

(31) Zhou Z., Chen L., Tao J.*, Gong Z., Guo L., van der Wegen M., Townend I., Zhang C., The role of salinity in fluvio-deltaic morphodynamics: A long-term modelling study. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2020, 45(3): 590-604.

(32) Ni L., Tao J., Wave-Induced Sediment Transport along the abandoned Yellow River Delta in Jiangsu Coast, China, in Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, 2020, 2948-2955.

(33) Muller J. R. M., Chen Y., Aarninkhof S. G. J., Chan Y. C., Piersma T., van Maren D. S., Tao J., Wang Z. B., Gong Z., Ecological impact of land reclamation on Jiangsu coast (China): A novel ecotope assessment for Tongzhou Bay. Water Science and Engineering, 2020, 13(1):  57-64.

(34) Muller J. R. M., Chan Y. C., Piersma T., Chen Y., Aarninkhof S. G. J., Hassell C. J., Tao J., Gong Z., Wang Z. B., van Maren D. S., Building for Nature: Preserving threatened bird habitat in port design. Water, 2020, 12: 2134.

(35) Kuai Y., Tao J.*, Zhou Z., Aarninkhof S., Wang Z. B., Sediment characteristics and intertidal beach slopes along the Jiangsu Coast, China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9(3): 347.

(36) Tao J., Zhu R., Exploring the three-dimensional flow-sediment dynamics and trapping mechanisms in a curved estuary: The role of salinity and circulation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9: 976332.

(37) 罗克志, 陶建峰*. 渤海湾连片开发对湾内水沙通量的影响研究. 海洋通报, 2022, 41(2): 156-169.

(38) 周邢杰, 陶建峰*. 大风条件下江苏沿海近岸悬沙响应特征分析. 水道港口, 2022, 43(2): 149-157.

(39) 祝仁杰,陶建峰*. 甬江河口洪季三维水沙动力和泥沙捕集机制研究. 泥沙研究, 2023, 48(1): 49-56.

(40) 郭泽陶建峰*. 基于指数收敛的喇叭形河口河宽公式研究及应用. 水道港口, 2024, 45(2): 203-211.


(1) 陶建峰主编,徐振山、沈城吉副主编,《海岸环境水力学》,河海大学出版社,2023.

(2) 张长宽主编,《江苏省近海海洋环境资源基本现状》,海洋出版社,2013,参编.


(1) 国家科学技术进步奖等奖河口海岸水灾害预警预报关键技术、系统集成及应用,2011-J-222-2-03-R04排名4/102011.

(2) 高等学校科学研究科学技术进步奖一等奖,河口海岸水动力、物质输运及灾害预警研究与应用,2010-176(排名9/17),2010.

(3) 高等学校科学研究科学技术进步奖等奖,河网—湖泊—近海连通水域污染物输运机理、模拟技术及应用,2013-251(排名3/15),2013.

(4) 高等学校科学研究科学技术进步奖二等奖,南黄海潮滩演变与开发保护关键技术研究及应用,2016-249(排名2/15),2016.

(5) 大禹水利科技进步奖特等奖,长三角地区水安全保障技术研究与应用,DYJ2021J0001-G15(排名15/20),2021.

(6) 16届亚太水力学大会(APD-IAHR)最佳论文奖A Three Dimensional Baroclinic Flow Numerical Model in Estuarine and Coastal Regions Using Double Sigma Coordinates System(排名1/2),2008.


(1) 河口海岸平面二维水动力及物质扩散数值模拟软件V1.0, 软著登记号: 2013SR087679.

(2) 河口海岸三维斜压水流及盐度扩散数学模型计算软件[简称:HHU-EC3DV1.0, 软著登记号: 2014SR094345.

(3) 河口海岸双σ坐标下三维斜压水流及物质扩散数学模型计算软件[简称:HHU-EC3D-DSV1.0, 软著登记号: 2014SR107905.


Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth SurfaceEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research海洋工程、华东师范大学学报、厦门大学学报、长沙理工大学学报等期刊审稿人






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