潘毅 博士 教授 博导
. 海岸软防护
. 砂质海岸动力地貌
1. 工程水文学(本科生)
2. 海洋生态环境保护与修复(本科生)
3. 海岸地貌学(本科生)
4. 波浪理论(本科生)
5. 海洋文化与旅游(本科生)
6. 海岸修复理论与技术(研究生)
7. 海洋波动(研究生)
8. 河口海岸动力学(留学生)
9. 水文化概论(留学生)
. 2009.03 – 2012.03 同济大学 土木工程学院 地质工程工学博士(海岸工程方向)
. 2011.05 – 2011.08 杰克逊州立大学(美国) 土木与环境工程系 博士联合培养
. 2009.10 – 2009.12 俄勒冈州立大学(美国) 欣斯代尔波浪研究实验室 博士联合培养
. 2009.07 – 2010.08 杰克逊州立大学(美国) 土木与环境工程系 博士联合培养
. 2006.09 – 2009.03 同济大学 土木工程学院 港口、海岸及近海工程工学硕士
. 2002.09 – 2006.06 山东大学 土建与水利学院 水利水电工程工学学士
. 2024.07 – 至今 河海大学 博彩网 教授
. 2020.08 – 2024.06 河海大学 博彩网 青年教授
. 2016.07 – 2020.07 河海大学 博彩网 副教授
. 2012.12 – 2016.06 河海大学 博彩网 讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“极端条件下的波浪溢流动力过程及对海堤作用研究”,项目编号51979098,项目金额58万元,2020.1-2023.12,负责人。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“人工水下沙坝与波浪的相互作用机制与规律研究”,项目编号51309092,项目金额25万元,2014.1-2016.12,负责人。
3. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,“波浪溢流流态特征及对海堤内坡作用研究”,项目编号BK20181309,项目金额10万元,2018.7-2021.6,负责人。
4. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,“加筋草皮护坡抗侵蚀机制与越浪抵御的研究”,项目编号BK20130833,项目金额18万元,2013.7-2016.6,负责人。
5. 海洋经济创新发展示范城市建设项目(子课题),“基于大数据海洋环境观测监测技术公共服务平台”,项目经费84万,2019.6-2020.5,负责人。
6. 河北省重点研发计划项目(子课题),“陆源入海污染物智能预警预测与示范应用”,项目编号21373302D,项目经费15万,2021.6-2024.6,专题负责人。
7. 中央分成海域使用金项目(子课题),“北戴河海域海洋信息服务系统构建——老虎石浴场及周边岬湾海岸修复工程信息管理系统技术”,项目编号QHY-2011,项目金额25万元,2012.12-2013.12,负责人。
8. 中央分成海域使用金项目(子课题),“北戴河老虎石浴场及周边岬湾修复工程——北戴河老虎石浴场及周边岬湾修复工程后效评估”,项目金额5万元,2015.1-2015.12,负责人。
9. 河海大学中央高校基本科研业务费——重大项目(优青)培育项目,“海岸软防护”,项目编号2018B43514,项目金额20万元,2018.1-2020.12,负责人。
10. 河海大学中央高校基本科研业务费——青年教师科研创新能力培养项目,“波浪溢流流态特征及其对海堤的作用研究”,项目编号2015B16014,项目金额10万元,2015.9-2017.9,负责人。
11. 河海大学中央高校基本科研业务费——青年教师预研究项目,“加筋植被护坡的侵蚀发展特征研究”,项目编号2013B03414,项目金额5万元,2013.4-2015.4,负责人。
12. 上海海洋大学开放基金(上海市教委重点学科基金),“三维加筋草皮抗侵蚀特性研究”,项目编号J50702,项目金额2万元,2013.7-2014.7,负责人。
13. 北京航天宏图信息技术股份有限公司,“海洋环境信息处理及展示关键技术研究”,项目金额28万元,2019.11-2020.5,负责人。
14. 厦门市仁祥投资有限公司,“Enkamat®柔性生态水土保护毯抗水力侵蚀性能测定”,项目金额8万元,2015.6-2015.12,负责人。
15. 福建启鹏生态科技有限公司,“启鹏生态混凝土抗水力冲刷性能研究”,项目金额6万元,2016.8-2016.9,负责人。
. 海洋工程科学技术奖(省部级/二等奖), 《极端条件下的海堤破坏机制及生态防护关键技术研究》. 中国海洋工程咨询协会, 2022.6, 个人排名: 1/9。
. 海洋工程科学技术奖(省部级/二等奖), 《岬湾砂质旅游海滩生态修复模式与工程示范》. 中国海洋工程咨询协会, 2015.3, 个人排名: 3/9。
. 大禹水利科学技术奖(省部级/二等奖), 《近岸风暴潮浪集合预报与动态预警关键技术研究及应用》. 中国水利学会, 2020.12, 个人排名: 4/12。
. 江苏省水利科技进步奖(二等奖), 《江苏沿海沿江风暴灾害精细化预报技术研究与应用》, 江苏省水利学会, 2019.12, 个人排名: 5/9。
. 宁波市科学技术进步奖(三等奖), 《宁波市沿海风暴潮精细化预报预警技术研究及应用》. 宁波市科学技术局, 2019.2, 个人排名: 3/7。
. 优秀论文奖:水利水运工程学报, 2020. 奖励论文:《加筋生态护坡技术的应用与发展》(通讯作者)。
. 优秀审稿人:水利水运工程学报, 2021, 2022。
. 河海大学讲课竞赛(三等奖), 河海大学, 2022, 2016。
. 河海大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师, 河海大学, 2023, 2021, 2017。
. 暑期社会实践优秀指导老师, 河海大学, 2015。
. 河海大学暑期社会实践先进工作者, 河海大学, 2014。
. 代表作
1. Pan, Y.*, Qu, X.K., Yang, Y.B., Zhang, J.B., Wang, G., Yin, S., Chen, Y.P., 2023. Laboratory experiments on the evolution of a submerged berm driven by low-energy irregular waves. Coast. Eng. 182, 104301.
2. Pan, Y.*, Yin, S., Chen, Y.P., Yang, Y.B., Xu, C.Y., Xu, Z.S., 2022. An experimental study on the evolution of a submerged berm under the effects of regular waves in low-energy conditions. Coast. Eng. 176, 104169. (高被引)
3. Pan, Y.*, Zhou, Z.J., Chen, Y.P.*, 2020. An analysis of the downward-flushing flow on the crest of a levee under combined wave and surge overtopping. Coast. Eng. 158, 103701.
4. Pan, Y., Kuang, C.P., Li, L., Amini, F., 2015. Full-scale laboratory study on distribution of individual wave overtopping volumes over a levee under negative freeboard. Coast. Eng. 97, 11-20.
5. Wang, M. Z., Pan, Y.*, Shi, X. K., Wu, J. L., Sun, P. N.*, 2024. Comparative study on volume conservation among various SPH models for flows of different levels of violence. Coast. Eng. 191, 104521.
. 期刊论文
1. Pan, Y.*, Wang, M.Z., Liu, Y., Pan, P., Li, W.H., Zhou, Z., Zhang, J.B., Wang, G., 2024. Analyzing sediment transport in dam-break-driven swash processes: Insights from laboratory experiments using a high-speed camera. Estuar. Coast Shelf Sci. 301, 108747.
2. Wang, M. Z., Pan, Y.*, Shi, X. K., Wu, J. L., Sun, P. N.*, 2024. Comparative study on volume conservation among various SPH models for flows of different levels of violence. Coast. Eng. 191, 104521.
3. Pan, Y.*, Qu, X.K., Yang, Y.B., Zhang, J.B., Wang, G., Yin, S., Chen, Y.P., 2023. Laboratory experiments on the evolution of a submerged berm driven by low-energy irregular waves. Coast. Eng. 182, 104301.
4. Pan, Y.*, Lou, S.*, 2023. Editorial: Hydrodynamics and water environment characteristics in coastal areas under the influences of climate change and human activities. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1199807.
5. Pan, Y.*, Li, W.H., Tan, J.H., Yu, P.B., Chen, X.P., Chen, Y.P., 2023. An investigation on the effects of increasing maximum wind speed of tropical cyclones on the return periods of water levels in the sea area of the Yangtze River Delta. Front. Mar. Sci. 10, 1101640.
6. Pan, Y.*, Yin, S., Chen, Y.P., Yang, Y.B., Xu, C.Y., Xu, Z.S., 2022. An experimental study on the evolution of a submerged berm under the effects of regular waves in low-energy conditions. Coast. Eng. 176, 104169. (高被引)
7. Pan, Y.*, Liu, Y., Chen, Y.P.*, Xu, Z.S., Xu, C.Y., 2022. Probability forecast of storm surge levels in the Changjiang Estuary induced by tropical cyclones based on the Error-Estimation Ensemble method. Ocean Eng. 245, 110524.
8. Pan, Y.*, Zhou, Z.J., Chen, Y.P.*, 2020. An analysis of the downward-flushing flow on the crest of a levee under combined wave and surge overtopping. Coast. Eng. 158, 103701.
9. Zhang, Z., Pan, Y.*, Yu, P.B., Chen, Y.P., Yang, Y.Z., 2020. Characteristic of wave-induced setup in Yangtze Estuary during typhoon processes. J. Coast. Res. SI(95), 1563-1568.
10. Zhou, Z.J., Chen, Y.P., Pan, Y.*, Shen, Y.S., Gan, M., 2020. Wave-induced uplift pressure on berm revetment with Seabee slope. Coast. Eng. J. 62(4), 527-539.
11. Xu, C.Y., Chen, Y.P., Pan, Y., Yu, L.L., 2020. The effects of flocculation on the entrainment of fluid mud layer. Estuar. Coast. Shelf S. 240, 106784.
12. Li, J.X., Pan, Y., Chen, Y.P., Pan, S.Q., 2020. Estimating typhoon waves based on the modified ECMWF ERA-5 wind data. J. Coast. Res. SI(95), 1177-1182.
13. Pan, Y., Yin, S., Chen, Y.P., Yang, Y.B., Xu, Z.S., Xu, C.Y., 2019. A practical method to scale the sedimentary parameters in a lightweight coastal mobile bed model. J. Coast. Res. 35(6), 1351-1357.
14. Chen, Y.P., Li, J.X., Pan, S.Q., Gan, M., Pan, Y., Xie, D.M., Clee, S., 2019. Joint probability analysis of extreme wave heights and surges along China's coasts. Ocean Eng. 177, 97-107.
15. Pan, Y., Kuang, C.P., Chen, Y.P., Yin, S., Yang, Y.B., Yang, Y.X., Zhang, J.B., Qiu, R.F., Zhang, Y., 2018. A comparison of the performance of submerged and detached artificial headlands in a beach nourishment project. Ocean Eng. 159, 295-304.
16. Pan, Y., Chen, Y.P., Zhang, T.X., Hu, Y.Z., Yin, S., Yang, Y.B., Tan, H.M., 2018. Laboratory study on erosion of vegetated HPTRM system under high-speed open-channel flow. J. Waterw. Port Coast. Ocean Eng. ASCE 144(1), 04017038.
17. Pan, Y., Chen, Y.P., Yuan, J.Y., Liu, Y., Xu, Z.S., 2018. Error-Estimation Ensemble method in the forecasting of tropical cyclone tracks. J. Coast. Res. SI(85), 771-775.
18. Xu, Z.S., Chen, Y.P., Pan, Y., 2018. Initial dilution equations for wastewater discharge: Example of non-buoyant jet in wave-following-current environment. Ocean Eng. 164, 139-147.
19. Li, J.X., Pan, S.Q., Chen, Y.P., Fan, Y.M., Pan, Y., 2018. Numerical estimation of extreme waves and surges over the northwest Pacific Ocean. Ocean Eng. 153, 225-241.
20. Pan, Y., Kuang, C.P., Zhang, J.B., Chen, Y.P., Mao, X.D., Ma, Y., Zhang, Y., Yang, Y.X., Qiu, R.F., 2017. Postnourishment evolution of beach profiles in a low-energy sandy beach with a submerged berm. J. Waterw. Port Coast. Ocean Eng. ASCE 143(4), 05017001.
21. Pan, Y., Li, L., Amini, F., Kuang, C.P., Chen, Y.P., 2016. New understanding on the distribution of individual wave overtopping volumes over a levee under negative freeboard. J. Coast. Res. SI(75), 1207-1211.
22. Pan, Y., Chen, Y.P., Li, J.X., Ding, X.L., 2016. Improvement of wind field hindcasts for tropical cyclones. Water Sci. Eng. 9(1), 58-66.
23. Xu, Z.S., Chen, Y.P., Tao, J.F., Pan, Y., Zhang, C.K., Li, C.W., 2016. Modelling of a non-buoyant vertical jet in waves and currents. J. Hydrodyn. 28(5), 778-793.
24. Xu, Z.S., Chen, Y.P., Tao, J.F., Pan, Y., Sowa, D.M., Li, C.W., 2016. Three-dimensional flow structure of a non-buoyant jet in a wave-current coexisting environment. Ocean Eng. 116, 42-54.
25. Ding, X.L., Chen, Y.P., Pan, Y., Reeve, D.E., 2016. Fast Ensemble Forecast of Storm Surge along the Coast of China. J. Coast. Res. SI (75), 1077-1081.
26. Li, J.X., Chen, Y.P., Pan, S.Q., Pan, Y., Fang, J.Y, Sowa, D.M., 2016. Estimation of mean and extreme waves in the East China Seas. Appl. Ocean Res. 56, 35-47.
27. Pan, Y., Kuang, C.P., Li, L., Amini, F., 2015. Full-scale laboratory study on distribution of individual wave overtopping volumes over a levee under negative freeboard. Coast. Eng. 97, 11-20.
28. Pan, Y., Li, L., Amini, F., Kuang, C.P., 2015. Overtopping erosion and failure mechanism of earthen levee strengthened by vegetated HPTRM system. Ocean Eng. 96, 139-148.
29. Yuan, S.Y., Tang, H.W., Li, L., Pan, Y., Amini, F., 2015. Combined wave and surge overtopping erosion failure model of HPTRM levees: Accounting for grass-mat strength. Ocean Eng. 109, 256-269.
30. Qian, X.S., Chen, Y.P., Zhang, C.K., Pan, Y., Das, H., 2015. Radial tidal current field in a semi-enclosed rectangular basin: formation and evolution. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limn. 33(4), 1085-1099.
31. Wang, Y.N., Chen, Y.P., Xu, Z.S., Pan, Y., Zhang, C.K., Li, C.W., 2015. Initial Dilution of a Vertical Round Non-Buoyant Jet in Wavy Cross-Flow Environment. China Ocean Eng. 29(6), 847-858.
32. Pan, Y., Kuang, C.P., Gu, J., He, L.L., Zhang, Y., Yang, Y.X., Qiu, R.F., Zhang, J.B., 2014. Assessment of a measure for water exchange strengthening of artificial headland bays based on shoreline change and flushing time. J. Coast. Res. 30(3), 615-628.
33. Kuang, C.P., He, L.L., Gu, J., Pan, Y., Zhang, Y., Yang, Y.X., Qiu, R.F., Zhang, J.B., 2014. Effects of Submerged Breakwater on Hydrodynamics and Shoreline Change of the East Beach of Beidaihe, Bohai Bay, China. J. Coast. Res. 30(3), 598-614.
34. Li, L., Pan, Y., Amini, F., Kuang, C.P., Briaud, J.L., 2014. Erosion resistance of HPTRM strengthened levee from combined wave and surge overtopping. Geotech. Geol. Eng. 32(4), 847-857.
35. Pan, Y., Li, L., Amini, F., Kuang, C.P., 2013. The influence of three levee-strengthening systems on overtopping hydraulic parameters and hydraulic equivalency analysis between steady and intermittent overtopping. J. Waterw. Port Coast. Ocean Eng. ASCE 139(4), 256-266.
36. Pan, Y., Li, L., Amini, F., Kuang, C.P., 2013. Full scale HPTRM strengthened levee testing under combined wave and surge overtopping conditions: overtopping hydraulics, shear stress and erosion analysis. J. Coast. Res. 29(1), 182-200.
37. Kuang, C.P., Pan, Y., Mao, X.D., Zhang, Y., Gu, J., Yang, Y. X., Chen, W.J., Zhang, J.L., Zhang, J. B., Qiu, R.F., 2013. The application of numerical models in the beach nourishment projects in China: a case study in Qinhuangdao, China. Shore & Beach, 81(2), 20-30.
38. Li, L., Pan, Y., Amini, F., Kuang, C.P., 2012. Full Scale Laboratory Study of Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping of a Levee with RCC Strengthening System. Ocean Eng. 54(1), 70-86.
39. Kuang, C.P., Chen, S.Y., Zhang, Y., Gu, J., Pan, Y., Huang, J., 2012. A two-dimensional morphological model based on a next generation circulation solver I: Formulation and validation. Coast. Eng. 59(1), 1-13.
40. Kuang, C.P., Chen, S.Y., Zhang, Y., Gu, J., Deng, L., Pan, Y., Huang, J., 2012. A two-dimensional morphological model based on a next generation circulation solver II: Application to Caofeidian, Bohai Bay, China. Coast. Eng. 59(1), 14-27.
41. Zhang, Y., He, L.L., Kuang, C.P., Pan, Y., Gu, J., Yang, Y.X., Zhang, J.B., 2012. Numerical study of shoreline changes by emergency beach nourishment project at the Middle Beach of Beidaihe, China. Acta Oceanol. Sin. 31(1), 125-133.
42. Kuang, C.P.*, Pan, Y.*, Zhang, Y., Liu, S.G., Yang, Y.X., Zhang, J.B., Dong, P., 2011. Performance Evaluation of a Beach Nourishment Project at West Beach in Beidaihe, China. J. Coast. Res. 27(4), 769-783.
43. Kuang, C.P., Pan, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, S. G., Yang, Y. X., Zhang, J. B., 2010. Shoreline Change Modeling on Emergency Beach Nourishment Project on West Beach of Beidaihe, China. China Ocean Eng. 24(2), 277-289.
44. Kuang, C.P., He, L.L., Zhang, Y., Pan, Y., Liu, S.G., Zhang, J.B., Yang, Y.X., 2010. Comparison of wave fields caused by four proposed beach nourishment schemes in Beidaihe, China. J. Hydrodyn. 22(5), 719-725.
45. 潘毅, 陈自怡, 刘烨, 朱芳芳, 匡翠萍. 海滩冲流带水沙运动综述[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 52(6): 920-927.
46. 陈自怡, 潘毅*, 罗广胜, 于普兵. 台风天气下通州湾港区附近海域风暴增水分布研究[J]. 水利水运工程学报, 2024, (1): 46-55.
47. 潘毅, 刘玉钰, 汪明智, 匡翠萍,* 倪兴也, 孙鹏楠. 水气二相流光滑粒子流体动力学方法研究进展[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 51(3): 385-394.
48. 潘毅*, 潘鹏, 刘烨, 于普兵. 基于高速相机测速的冲流带回流过程输沙研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展A辑, 2023, 38(1): 75-79.
49. 屈小开, 潘毅*, 梁慧迪, 王旭鹏. 岬湾裂流发生规律数值研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展A辑, 2023, 38(1): 59-66.
50. 王一心, 潘毅*, 周凤妍, 于普兵, 潘锡山, 韩雪. 江苏海域台风浪波高时空分布特性研究[J]. 海洋预报, 2023, 40(5): 23-34.
51. 张刚, 周曾, 陈杰峰, 徐晓, 曹浩冰, 左利钦, 潘毅, 张长宽. 护滩软体排对潮滩碱蓬湿地修复的影响研究——以江苏条子泥为例[J]. 海洋工程, 2023, 41(3): 74-84.
52. 潘毅, 薛仕磊, 王雪迎, 匡翠萍*, 陈永平, 张长宽. 人工水下沙坝研究进展[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 50(9): 1295-1302.
53. 胡贵娴, 潘毅*, 王旭鹏. 极端波浪溢流过程中海堤堤顶的下冲水流特征分析[J]. 水运工程, 2022, (12): 34-39.
54. 黄飞扬, 潘毅*, 周子骏, 姜昊, 陈永平. 海堤外坡坡度对波浪溢流量的影响[J]. 水运工程, 2022, (3), 21-26, 60.
55. 谭家辉, 潘毅*, 于普兵, 陈永平. 江苏沿海台风暴潮过程中的波浪增水分布研究[J]. 海洋预报, 2022, 39(1): 48-55.
56. 王雪迎, 潘毅*, 张壮, 于普兵. 陈永平. 长江口台风期间波致增水空间分布特征研究[J]. 海洋预报, 2021, 38(6): 12-20.
57. 罗广胜, 潘毅*. 基于风暴骤淤的通州湾港区冷家沙浅滩匡围方案研究[J]. 水运工程, 2021, (11): 1-7.
58. 罗广胜, 潘毅*, 李琳. 通州湾规划港区对台风暴潮的冲淤响应研究[J]. 水利水运工程学报, 2021, (4): 1-8.
59. 潘毅*, 屈小开, 周子骏, 陈永平. 海堤波浪溢流量的分布特征及估算方法[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(3): 260-267.
60. 陈淑敏, 潘毅*, 陈永平, 杨耀中. 潜式与离岸式人工岬头护滩作用和水交换特征比较[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, (1): 120-129.
61. 潘毅*, 张壮, 袁赛瑜, 周子骏, 陈永平. 海堤工程波浪溢流问题研究进展[J]. 水利水电科技进展, 2019, 39(1): 90-94.
62. 潘毅*, 陈淑敏, 周子骏, 陈永平, 李琳. 不同护坡条件下波浪溢流海堤内坡水动力特征[J]. 水利水运工程学报, 2019, (4): 1-8.
63. 潘毅*, 张同鑫, 周子骏, 陈永平. 波浪溢流作用下海堤内坡高性能加筋草皮护坡防侵蚀特征研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2019, 37(1): 29-36.
64. 潘毅*, 刘烨, 周子骏, 陈永平. 不同海堤内坡护坡下的波浪溢流量特征及通用化计算方法[J]. 水动力学研究与进展, 2019, 34(3): 346-352.
65. 杨玉宝, 潘毅*, 陈永平, 尹硕, 陈淑敏. 低能砂质海岸人工水下沙坝剖面的演变分析[J]. 水动力学研究与进展, 2019, 34(2): 232-237.
66. 刘莹, 潘毅*, 陈永平, 袁杰颖. 预估偏差法集合化台风路径概率预报[J]. 海洋预报, 2019, 36(3): 18-23.
67. 陈永平, 潘毅, 孙龙, 陈芷菁, 夏达忠, 谭亚. 近岸风暴潮浪集合预报与海堤安全动态预警技术研究[J]. 中国科技成果, 2019, (9): 71-73.
68. 徐毅, 陈佳, 赵钢, 潘毅. 土工垫加筋生态护坡草皮抗剪特性与固坡性能研究[J]. 水道港口, 2019, 40(2): 218-225.
69. 徐毅, 赵钢, 陈佳, 潘毅. 土工垫加筋生态护坡草皮抗剪性能试验研究[J]. 江苏水利, 2019, (2): 21-27.
70. 张壮, 潘毅*, 陈永平, 胡玉植, 张同鑫, 李琳. 高速明渠流条件下高性能加筋草皮抗侵蚀特性研究[J]. 水利水运工程学报, 2018, (6): 77-83.
71. 张同鑫, 潘毅*, 张壮, 苏致远, 王倩, 徐圣卓, 胡玉植, 陈永平. 加筋生态护坡技术的应用与发展[J]. 水利水运工程学报, 2017, (6): 110-117.
72. 杨玉宝, 潘毅*, 徐振山, 陈永平, 许春阳. 现浇型生态混凝土护岸抗水力冲刷性能试验研究[J]. 水利水电技术, 2017, 48(11): 122-127.
73. 尹硕, 潘毅*, 陈永平. 基于局部拟合法的低能沙质海岸比尺设计[J]. 水利水运工程学报, 2017, (4): 43-51.
74. 袁杰颖, 陈永平, 潘毅, 董家根, 罗俐雅. 台风路径集合化预报方法的优化[J]. 海洋预报, 2017, 34(2): 37-41.
75. 胡玉植, 潘毅*, 陈永平. 海堤背水坡加筋草皮抗冲蚀能力试验研究[J]. 水利水运工程学报, 2016, (1): 51-57.
76. 胥岩, 潘毅*, 陈永平. 老虎石公园海滩养护岸线演变模拟及预测[J]. 中国港湾建设, 2016, 36(5): 1-5.
77. 冒小丹, 匡翠萍, 潘毅, 顾杰. 潮流对老虎石海滩养护工程响应的数值预测[J]. 海洋地质前沿, 2013, 29(2): 71-78.
78. 匡翠萍, 潘毅, 张宇, 杨燕雄. 北戴河中直六、九浴场养滩工程效果分析与预测[J]. 同济大学学报, 2010, 38(4): 509-514.
79. 潘毅, 匡翠萍, 杨燕雄, 张甲波, 刘曙光, 张宇. 北戴河西海滩养护工程方案研究[J]. 水运工程, 2008, (7): 23-28.
80. 张宇, 刘曙光, 匡翠萍, 潘毅, 杨燕雄, 张甲波. 北戴河西海滩养护工程海域潮流场数值研究[J]. 水运工程, 2008, (7): 7-13.
. 会议论文
1. Pan, Y.*, Yuan, S.Y., Tan, H.M., Gan, L., Li, L., Amini, F., 2018. Recent understanding on the hydraulic erosion of vegetated HPTRM system. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (invited speech), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018, 7.17-7.21.
2. Yin, S., Pan, Y.*, Chen, Y.P., Yang, Y.B., 2018. An experimental study on the evolution of beach profile with a submerged berm. Proceedings of the 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2018), Sapporo, Japan, 2018, 6.10-6.15.
3. Yuan, J.Y., Pan, Y.*, Chen, Y.P., 2016. Improvement of the ensemble forecast of typhoon track in the Northwestern Pacific. Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Environmental Engineering (ICCAE 2016), Taipei, Taiwan, 2016, 11.4-11.6.
4. Pan, Y., Amini, F., Li, L., 2015. Failure Mechanism of Earthen Levee Strengthened by Vegetated HPTRM System and Design Guideline for Hurricane Overtopping Conditions. Proceedings of the International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo 2015 (IFCEE 2015), San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2015, 3.17-3.21, pp. 2452-2461.
5. Pan, Y.*, Chen, Y.P., 2015. Wind field generation for hindcasting of typhoon waves. Proceedings for the 3rd IMA International Conference on Flood Risk, Swansea, Wales, UK, 2015, 3.30-3.31.
6. Xu, Y., Pan, Y.*, Chen, Y.P., 2015. Study on the wave maker stroke and the energy dissipation of SPH numerical wave flumes. Proceedings of the 2nd technical congress on resources, environment and engineering (CREE 2015), Hong Kong, 2015, 9.25-9.26, pp. 209-215.
7. Pan, Y., Morawski, M.P., Penchev, P., Chen, Y.P., 2014. The Interaction between Waves and Storm Surge during a Typhoon Event. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, Coastlab14, Varna, Bulgaria, 2014, 9.29-10.2, 129-135.
8. Pan, Y.*, Kuang, C.P., Li, L., Amini, F., 2013. Discussion of the Failure Mechanics of Levees under Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping. Proceedings of 2013 IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 2013, 9.8-9.13.
9. Pan, Y.*, Kuang, C.P., Yang, Y.X., Zhang, J.B., Qiu, R.F., 2013. Numerical Study on the Response of Shoreline Change to the Tidal Channel after a Beach Nourishment Project on an Embayed Beach. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2013), Bali, Indonesia, 2013, 9.24-9.26, 40-43.
10. Kuang, C.P., Pan, Y., Hu, Y., Gu, J., Mao, X.D., Huang, J., 2012. Primary Analysis of the 2011 ConocoPhillips Oil Spill in Bohai Bay, China. Proceedings of 2012 Asia Pacific Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012, 2.1-2.2, pp. 191-195.
11. Kuang, C.P., Pan, Y., He, L.L., Yang, Y. X., Cai, F., 2011. Beach Nourishment Projects in China. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (invited speech), Hong Kong, China, 2011, 12.14-12.16, pp. 147-161.
12. Chen, Y.P., Zhang, Y., Pan, Y., Li, J.X., Ding, X.L., Dong, J.G., Luo, L.Y., 2017. Interaction between storm surge and typhoon waves in the radial sandy ridge area during Typhoon Damery. Procedia IUTAM Symposium on Storm Surge Modelling and Forecasting, Shanghai, China, 2017, 10.18-10.19, pp. 104-110.
13. Ding, X.L., Chen, Y.P., Yuan, J.Y., Pan, Y., 2015. Super-ensemble forecasting of typhoon tracks over the Northwestern Pacific. Proceedings for the 3rd IMA International Conference on Flood Risk, Swansea, Wales, UK, 2015, 3.30-3.31.
14. Li, L., Amini, F., Pan, Y., Li, C., 2014. Stability monitoring of articulated concrete block strengthened levee in combined wave and surge overtopping conditions. Proceedings of the 2014 Congress on Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability (Geo-Congress 2014), Atlanta, GA, U.S., 2014.2.23-2.26, 262-271.
15. Li, L., Amini, F., Pan, Y., 2013. Design of Earthen Levee Strengthening with HPTRM for Hurricane Overtopping Conditions. Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2013, Long Beach, California, U.S., 2013, 4.1-4.4.
16. Li, L., Amini, F., Pan, Y., 2013. Erosion Resistance of Earthen Levee Strengthened by HPTRM System under Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping Conditions. Proceedings of the 2013 Congress on Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments III (Geo-Congress 2013), San Diego, California, U.S., 2013, 3.3-3.7, 1892-1901.
17. Amini, F., Li, L., Pan, Y., 2012. Performance of hptrm strengthened levee in full-scale overtopping tests. 2012 ASDSO Annual Conference on Dam Safety (Dam Safety 2012), Denver, Colorado, U.S., 2012, 9.16-9.20, 377-387.
18. Zhang, Y., Kuang, C.P., Huo, R., Gu, J., Pan, Y. Huang, J., 2012. Organic Pollution of Summer Coastal Waters around Caofeidian Harbor, Bohai Bay, China. Proceedings of 2012 Asia Pacific Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012, 2.1-2.2, 172-178
19. Kuang, C.P., Liu, P.C., Pan, Y., Gu, J., 2012. A Literature Review of Tidal Power Generation with Coastal Reservoir. 1st International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2012), Hohehot Municipality, China, 2012, 6.23-6.24, 900-904.
20. Kuang, C.P., Zhao, X.T., Pan, Y., Gu, J., 2012. In-stream Tidal Power: a Literature Review. 1st International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2012), Hohehot Municipality, China, 2012, 6.23-6.24, 910-914.
21. Kuang, C.P., Huang, H.C., Pan, Y., Gu, J., 2012. Development of Wave Power Generation Technology. 1st International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2012), Hohehot Municipality, China, 2012, 6.23-6.24, 905-909.
22. Kuang, C.P., Huang, Y.H., Huo, R., Pan Yi, Zheng, M.H., 2011. Visualization of the current fields in Caofeidian sea area based on GIS. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE 2011), Shanghai, China, 2011, 6.10-6.12, 211-214.
23. Zhang, Y., Kuang, C.P., He, L.L., Pan, Y., Yang, Y.X., Zhang, J.B., Liu, S.G., 2010. Comparison of tidal currents under different nourishment schemes at West Beach of Beidaihe, China. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2010), Shanghai, China, 2010, 6.30-7.5.
24. Yang, Y.X., Zhang, J.B., Kuang, C.P., Zhang, Y., He, L.L., Pan, Y., Liu, S.G., 2010. Analysis on performance of the emergency nourishment project at West Beach of Beidaihe, China. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2010), Shanghai, China, 2010, 6.30-7.5.
25. Pan, Y., Kuang, C.P., Yang, Y.X., Zhang, J.B., Liu, S.G., 2008. Primary Numerical Study on Beach Nourishment Scheme of West Beach in Beidaihe. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Tidal Environments (TIDALITES 2008), Qingdao, China, 2008, 9.25-9.27, 91-92.
26. Zhang, Y., Liu, S.G., Kuang, C.P., Pan, Y., Yang, Y.X., Zhang, J.B., 2008. Numerical simulation of Flow Field in West Beach of Beidaihe Using Delft3d-Flow Model. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Tidal Environments (TIDALITES 2008), Qingdao, China, 2008, 9.25-9.27, 87-88.
27. Chen, S.Y., Kuang, C.P., Liu, S.G., Pan, Y., Zhang, Y., 2008. Effect of development of Caofeidian in Bohai Bay on its tidal environment. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Tidal Environments (TIDALITES 2008), Qingdao, China, 2008, 9.25-9.27, 108-109.
28. 匡翠萍, 潘毅, 贺露露, 张宇, 冒小丹, 杨燕雄, 张甲波, 邱若峰. 岬湾海岸的沙坝-潜堤-岬头养滩模式研究--以北戴河西海滩为例[C].//首届海洋女科学家论坛论文集. 首届海洋女科学家论坛, 2012: 154-164.
1. 潘毅(主编). 海洋生态环境保护与修复[M]. 北京:科学出版社. 2022. (ISBN: 978-7-03-071911-9)
2. 潘毅, 陈永平, 袁赛瑜. 海堤波浪溢流大型水槽试验研究[M]. 北京: 科学出版社. 2019. (ISBN: 978-7-03-062989-0)
3. Li, L., Amini, F., Pan, Y., Yuan, S.Y., Cetin, B. Hydraulics of Levee Overtopping. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2020. (ISBN: 978-0367277277)
4. Lou, S., Ma, G., Pan, Y. Hydrodynamics and water environment characteristics in coastal areas under the influences of climate change and human activities. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. 2023. (ISBN: 978-2-8325-2302-5)
. 河北省海洋岸线生态修复与智慧海洋监测工程研究中心 学术委员会委员
. 学术期刊《Frontiers in Marine Science》(中科院一区)客座副主编
.《Ocean Engineering》,《Applied Ocean Research》,《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》,《Frontiers in Marine Science》,《Journal of Coastal Research》,《China Ocean Engineering》,《Soils and Foundations》,《Environmental Sciences Europe》,《Advances in Civil Engineering》,《Water Science and Engineering》审稿人
. 发明专利
1. 陈永平, 张则飞, 汪明智, 潘毅, 徐振山, 屈小开, 黄飞扬, 周安骐, 丁雪霖. 一种海堤越浪风险分析方法. 2024.5. 专利号:ZL202310259964.7
2. 李相龙, 潘毅, 汪明智, 宋斐然, 刘宇轩, 王心舒, 刘烨. 冲流带海岸段波模拟实验装置和实验方法. 2023.5.26. 专利号:ZL202110812034.0
3. 甘敏, 陈永平, 刘士诚, 潘毅, 谭亚, 周子骏, 陶证瑾, 方树桥, 林祥峰. 一种河口潮位调和分析方法. 2023.3. 专利号:ZL201910280065.9.
4. 甘敏, 陈永平, 朱弦, 潘毅, 陶证瑾, 张壮, 陈雨航, 蒲金山, 林祥峰. 一种分析河口潮不对称洪、枯季差异及其成因的方法. 2022.7. 专利号:ZL202010180612.9
5. 陈永平, 甘敏, 潘毅, 刘士诚, 谭亚, 周子骏, 蒲金山, 朱弦, 林祥峰. 一种高精度的河口短期潮位预报方法. 2020.7. 专利号:ZL201910461891.3
6. 陈永平, 潘毅, 袁杰颖, 尹硕, 嵇静, 陈淑敏, 王家奇, 陈佰川. 预估偏差法集合化台风预报方法. 2018.12. 专利号:ZL201610905069.8
7. 王家奇, 潘毅, 陈佰川, 陈淑敏, 嵇静, 胡逍锴, 尹硕, 杨玉宝. 一种自动洗沙装置. 2018.10. 专利号:ZL201710012456.3
8. 王倩, 潘毅, 张同鑫, 徐圣卓, 苏致远, 张壮, 陈永平, 胡玉植. 加筋生态护坡水力侵蚀测量仪. 2018.7. 专利号: ZL201610279893.7 (已转化, 2.0万元)
9. 潘毅, 陈永平, 王倩, 张壮, 苏致远, 张同鑫, 徐圣卓. 生态加筋网结合强度测试仪. 2017.8. 专利号:ZL201510314089.3
10. 陈永平, 姚鹏, 苏敏, 方家裕, 潘毅, 徐振山. 一种具有内循环生流装置的物理模型水槽. 2017.10. 专利号: ZL201410837252.X
. 实用新型专利
1. 张刚,周曾,潘毅, 董楚宁, 陈雪, 吴一鸣. 一种潮滩底床泥沙取样装置. 实用新型专利, 2023.3. 专利号:ZL202222924347.8
2. 潘毅, 胡逍锴, 陈佰川, 王家奇, 陈淑敏, 嵇静, 尹硕, 陈永平. 一种高水头波浪爬高的模拟器. 2017.2. 专利号:ZL201620855596.8
3. 陈淑敏, 潘毅, 陈佰川, 尹硕, 王家奇, 嵇静, 胡逍凯, 陈永平. 一种水槽泥沙实验固结沙保护地形装置. 2017.12. 专利号:ZL201720645447.3
4. 尹硕, 潘毅, 陈淑敏, 胡逍锴, 王家奇, 陈佰川, 嵇静, 陈永平. 一种泥沙水槽试验海滩剖面模拟装置. 2017.8. 专利号:ZL201621335043.6
5. 陈佰川, 潘毅, 王家奇, 嵇静, 陈淑敏, 胡逍锴, 尹硕, 杨玉宝. 一种工程中运砂洗砂自动化操作装置. 2017.7. 专利号:ZL201621334647.9
6. 嵇静, 潘毅, 陈佰川, 尹硕, 陈淑敏, 胡逍锴, 王家奇, 杨玉宝. 一种波浪动床实验可控堆沙模板. 2017.6. 专利号:ZL201621355342.6
7. 胥岩, 潘毅, 陈永平. 一种人工岬头单元及适用于过水挡浪的人工岬头. 2016.7. 专利号:ZL201620157156.5
8. 苏致远, 潘毅, 陈永平, 徐圣卓, 张壮, 王倩, 张同鑫, 胡玉植. 一种利用半圆截面消能的加强型生态加筋网. 2016.4. 专利号:ZL201520921355.4
9. 张壮, 潘毅, 徐圣卓, 王倩, 苏致远, 张同鑫, 胡玉植, 陈永平. 一种利用埋入立体网实现加固消能的加筋结构. 2016.4. 专利号:ZL201620339559.1
10. 张同鑫, 潘毅, 陈永平, 苏致远, 王倩, 张壮, 徐圣卓, 胡玉植. 一种利用植被来防冲刷的生态加筋网. 2016.3. 专利号:ZL201520861498.0 (已转化, 0.3万元)
11. 潘毅, 陈永平, 徐圣卓, 张同鑫, 苏致远, 张壮, 王倩. 一种带柔性立面的生态加筋网. 2015.10. 专利号:ZL201520394921.0 (已转化, 0.5万元)
12. 胡玉植, 潘毅, 陈永平, 田万青, 江东勃. 一种水流冲蚀植被护坡的模拟装置. 2015.4. 专利号:ZL201520234781.0
. 软件著作权
1. 潘毅, 陈永平, 李江夏, 夏达忠, 谭亚. 风暴潮集合化数值预报软件V1.0. 2016. 登记号:2017SR092642
2. 陈永平, 潘毅, 谭亚, 夏达忠, 丁雪霖. 台风浪集合化数值预报软件V1.0. 2017. 登记号:2017SR092637
3. 潘毅, 陈永平, 谭亚, 丁雪霖, 夏达忠. 近岸风暴潮和台风浪一体化预报软件. 2015. 登记号:2015SR013581
4. 陈永平, 丁雪森, 潘毅, 李江夏, 夏达忠. 台风集合预报软件. 2015. 登记号:2015S