2010.10~2012.03 Virginia Institute of Marine Science,U.S.A, 博士后研究。
2004.09~2010.06 河海大学,港口海岸及近海工程专业,获博士学位。
1997.09~2000.04 武汉交通科技大学 船舶流体力学专业,获硕士学位
1993.09~1997.04 武汉交通科技大学 船舶设计与制造专业,获学士学位
2008.05~至今 博彩网-博彩担保网 讲师,副教授
2005.08~2006.08 Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute, Norway, 访问学者
2000.03~2005.08 河海大学交通与海洋工程学院 讲师
[1] 2015-2017,风暴潮期间底部阻力变迁及水流结构的响应, 国家自然科学基金青年项目,负责人
[2] 2014-2018,潮汐能发电中的水动力学问题研究项:51339005)子题:潮汐能发电中的关键问题研究,参加者
[3] 2012-2014,沿海滩涂大规模围垦及保护关键技术研究,“十二五“国家科技支撑计划项目,子题主要参加者
[4] 2010-2012,SURA super-regional test bed on numerical modeling of coastal inundation, 主要参加者
[5] 2013-2014,河口海岸垂向分层流结构及与细颗粒泥沙运动响应,河口海岸交通行业重点实验室开放课题, 项目负责人
[6] 2010-2013,波浪荷载下离岸深水码头受力特性研究,中央高校业务费项目,项目负责人
[7] 2009-2010 交通部西部项目“嵌岩全直桩结构及波浪、水流共同作用试验研究”,主要参加者
[8] 2006-2008 交通部基金项目《海港水文规范》修订-“不规则波作用下高桩码头面板上托力计算试验研究”,主要参加者
[1] Meng Yanqiu, Tong Chaofeng, Chen Guoping, Yan shichang. Hydrodynamic characteristics of peforated seawalls. The 25th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE2015, 2015.
[2] Meng Yanqiu,Chen Guoping, Yan shichang, Tong Chaofeng. Impact loading on deck of shore-connecting jetties exposed to oblique waves and current. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2014.
[3] Meng Yanqiu,Yan shichang, Chen Guoping,Tong Chaofeng. Load Spectra for Deck of Jetty Exposed to Waves and Currents. 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, 2014.
[4] Chen C, Beardsley R C, Luettich R A, et al. Extratropical storm inundation testbed: Intermodel comparisons in Scituate, Massachusetts[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2013, 118(10): 5054-5073.
[5] Meng Yanqiu*, Chen Guoping, Yan Shichang. Wave-in-Deck Impulsive Pressure on Unsheltered Jetties Exposed to Waves and Current. Applied Mechanics and Materials,V256, p1928-1936, 2013.
[6] Yanqiu Meng*, Harry V. Wang, Yi-Cheng Teng. Simulation of storm surge, wave, currents in Chesapeake Bay during November 2009 Mid-Atlantic Nor’easter. The 23rd International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE2013-TPC-0639, 2013.
[7] Roland, A.*, Zhang, Y., Wang, H.V., Meng, Y., Teng, Y., Maderich, V., Brovchenko, I.,Dutour-Sikiric, M. and Zanke, U. A fully coupled wave-current model on unstructuredgrids, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117, C00J33, 2012.
[8] Chen Guoping*, Meng Yanqiu, Yan Shichang. Experimental Investigation of Irregular Wave Uplift Force on Deck of Exposed High-Pile Jetties. China Ocean Engineering, 24(1), p67–78, 2010.
[9] 孟艳秋*,陈国平,严士常. 离岸式高桩码头面板上托力试验及分析[J]. 解放军理工大学学报: 自然科学版, 第11 卷, 第1 期,72-78 页, 2010.
[10] Yanqiu Meng*, Guoping Chen, Shichang Yan. Prediction of wave impact pressure on horizontal plate. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, v1, p 237-243, Shanghai, 2010.06.6-11.
[11] Yanqiu Meng*, Guoping Chen, Shichang Yan. Wave Interaction With Deck of Jetty on a Slope. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering - ICCE, 2010.
[12] 孟艳秋*,陈国平,严士常. 码头面板尾部开缝和面板上开孔对波浪上托力的影响[J].河海大学学报: 自然科学版, 第37 卷, 第6 期,736-740 页,2009.
[13] 孟艳秋*,陈国平,严士常. 不规则波作用下码头结构对波浪上托力的影响[J]. 港工技术, 第46 卷, 第5 期,1-4 页,2009.