1.Personal Information
Full Name :
Xiaomei JI
Academic Position :
Associate Professor
E-mail :
Nanjing University
Dalhousie University , Canada
09/2003 – 11/2010
09/2007 – 06/2009
BEng(Civil) : Hohai University 09/1999 – 06/2003
3.Work Experience
University /Institute, Country
Associate Professor
Hohai University
07/2014 – present
Hohai University
03/2010 – 06/2016
4.Research Areas
• Numerical modelling of coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics
• Coastal and estuarine mophodynamics and protection
5.Research Funding
(1)“Salt flux in an estuary with complex geometry: Driving processes and its response to river discharge and tidal mixing”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015.10-2018.12, principle investigator.
(2)“Coastal evolution and its dynamical responses of the abandoned Yellow River Delta in Northern Jiangsu”, the Fundamental Research Funds for the central universities, 2016.05-2018.12, principle investigator.
(3)“Numerical study of the dynamical processes of the Pearl River Estuary under storm surge”, the Fundamental Research Funds for the central universities, 2013.03-2016.12, principle investigator.
(4)“Salt flux at typical bifurcations of the Pearl River Estuary: Driving mechanisms and its dynamic responses”, the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Coast Ocean Resources Development and Environment Security, 2015.10-2017.09, principle investigator.
(5)“Process and mechanism of flow and sediment division at stratified tidal bifurcation”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014.01-2017.12, co-investigator.
6.Main Publications
(1)Zhu Shouxian, Shengjinyu, Ji Xiaomei. Tidally-averaged water and salt transport velocities and their distributions in the Pearl River Estuary. Ocean Dynamics, 2016.
(2)Ji Xiaomei, Jinyu Sheng, Jinhai Zheng, Wei Zhang. Numerical study of seasonal circulation and variability over the inner shelf of the northern South China Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 2015.
(3)Wei Zhang, Jinhai Zheng, Ji Xiaomei, ZhuYuliang. Surficial sediment distribution feature and net sediment transport pattern in the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Continental Shelf Research. 2013.
(4)Ji Xiaomei, Sheng Jinyu, Tang Liqun, et al. Process study of dry-season circulation in the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent coastal waters using a triple-nested coastal circulation model. Atmosphere-Ocean, 2011.
(5)Ji Xiaomei, Sheng Jinyu, Tang Liqun, et al. Process study of circulation in the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent coastal waters in the wet season using a triply-nested circulation model. Ocean Modelling , 2011.
(6)Jinyu Sheng, Liqun Tang, Xiaomei Ji and Dabin Liu. An Examination of Seasonal Mean Circulation and Salinity Distributions in the Pearl River Estuary of China Using a Nested-Grid Coastal Ocean Circulation Model, Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, 2010.
(7)Ji Xiaomei, Yongzhan Zhang, Dakui Zhu. Potential artificial beach design for Baipai Island in Sanya Bay. Proceedings of Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering. Tianjin, China, 2010.
(8)Liqun Tang, Jinyu Sheng, Xiaomei Ji, Wenhong Cao, and Dabin Liu. Investigation of circulation and hydrography over the pearl river estuary of china using a nested-grid coastal circulation model. Ocean Dynamics, 2009.