2022.05至今 河海大学,博彩网 ,青年教授
2019.09~2022.04 河海大学,博彩网 ,副研究员
2017.10~2019.09 Oregon State University,入选17年全国“博士后国际交流计划”,导师:Prof. Solomon C. Yim
2016.09~2019.09 河海大学水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,博士后, 导师:郑金海教授
2010.10~2016.01 天津大学,港口海岸及近海工程专业,博士生,导师:刘海笑教授
2006.09~2010.07 重庆交通大学,港口航道与海岸工程专业,本科,(获第二届全国水利优秀毕业生)
电子信箱: [email protected]
(1) 全国船舶舾装标准化技术委员会船用系泊索缆工作组(TC129/WG2)委员,2022.09-至今.
(2) 国际会议OMAE2024 , 深海采矿和深远海养殖(Aquare and Mining)专题, Co-organizor, Session Chair, 2024.01-至今。
(3) 《Ocean Engineering》、《Marine Structure》、《China Ocean Engineering》、《Scientific Reports》、《PoF》等审稿
(4) 担任SCI期刊Journal of Marine Science and Engineering《Hydrodynamics and mooring analysis of floating structures》的客座主编
(5) 全国博士后派出项目学者联谊会副理事长,2022.
(6) 全国海洋能转换设备标准化技术委员会《海洋能转换装置锚泊系统评价》工作组成员,2023.
(7) 国际航运协会系泊标准制定工作组成员,2023-至今。
研究生课程:深远海浮式结构物的系统设计与分析、船舶海洋工程流体动力学、《Ocean Structural Dynamcis》
(1)近海漂浮式光伏消浪结构与锚泊系统智能监测、健康诊断与分级预警系统,科技部,国家重点研发计划项目《近海漂浮式光伏发电关键技术及核心部件研发与工程示范》的子课题, 2022YFB4200700, 60万,2023-01-01至2025-12-30,在研, 子课题的主持。
(3) 构建海藻碳汇牧场,服务国家双碳战略,国家科技部外国专家司,2022年度“高端外国专家引进计划”,G2022143010L,9万,2022-11-01至2023-12-30,结题, 主持。
(4)XPRIZECarbon Removal国际碳去除技术研发项目,深蓝固碳锚泊技术,25万美元,2021-11-15至2024-11-30,在研, 指导学生参赛获奖。
(5)深海合成纤维缆绳全寿命服役安全评估及系泊分析, 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51609079), 20万,2017.01~2019.12, 结题,主持。
(6)中央军委XXXXXXX快速响应项目,深水纤维绳缆系泊技术,60万,2021-12-15至2022-11-30,结题, 主持。
(7)海洋灾害环境下浮式风机新型系泊系统的动力特性,江苏省自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 2020-07-01至2023-06-30, 10万元, 结题, 主持。
(8)浮式风机聚酯系泊系统非线性动力特性研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51979050), 2019.01-2022.12, 合作负责CoPI。
(9)耦合纤维缆绳复杂力学性能的系泊分析技术, 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室开放基金(HESS-1910), 2019.10-2021.12, 项目负责人。
(10)人社部全国博士后管理委员会,浮式海洋可再生能源发电装置的系泊定位研究, “博士后国际交流计划”派出项目(20170013), 2017.10~2019.10, 项目负责人。
(12)人社部全国博士后管理委员会,聚酯系泊式海藻牧场的动力响应及构建技术研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2022M722820),2022.11-2024.11, 8万,在研, 主持,合作导师:陈文兴院士。
(1) 仲凡,连宇顺, 郑金海, 陈文兴,Solomon C.Yim.共享缆绳损伤对浮式风电场系泊系统性能的影响[J].中国舰船研究,2024.
(2) Yushun Lian; Bin Zhang; Junxiang Ji; Zhenghu Pan; Ting Jiang; Jinhai Zheng; Gang Ma; Zhongcheng Zhu; Zhiling Zhu; Wenxing Chen. Experimental investigation on service safety and reliability of full-scale HMPE fiber slings for offshore lifting operations. Ocean Engineering, 2023. (SCI已检索)
(3) Yushun Lian, Bin Zhang, Jinhai Zheng, Haixiao Liu, Gang Ma, Solomon C. Yim, Yanbin Zhao.An upper and lower bound method for evaluating residual strengths of polyester mooring ropes with artificial damage. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262,112243, 1-12. (SCI已检索).
(4) Yushun Lian, Rui Wang, Jinhai Zheng, WenXing, Chen, Chang, L., Li, C., & Yim, S. C. (2023). Carbon sequestration assessment and analysis in the whole life cycle of seaweed. Environmental Research Letters, 2023. (SCI已检索).
(5) Yushun Lian, Fan Zhong, Jinhai Zheng, Wenxing Chen, Gang Ma, Shan Wang, Solomon Yim. Effects of mooring line with different materials on the dynamic response of offshore floating wind turbine. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2023 (SCI已检索).
(6) 连宇顺,郑金海,刘海笑, Solomon C. Yim. 系泊系统对波能发电装置动力响应的影响.第四届高新船舶与深海开发装备创新论坛学术讨论会论文集,大连,2020,10.28.
(7) 连宇顺,潘正虎,郑金海,朱晋,沈舒天,石建高,俞俊.离岸系泊式海藻牧场的动力响应分析[J].河海大学学报(自然科学版):1-15[2023-10-17].
(8) 连宇顺,张斌,郑金海等.系泊系统对波能发电装置动力响应的影响[J].中国舰船研究,2022,17(01):80-90.DOI:10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02223.
(9) Yushun Lian,Shutian Shen,Jinhai Zheng,Samuel Obeng Boamah,Solomon C Yim. A design and numerical study on a new kelp culture facility. Proceedings of theASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2023) Melbourne, Australia. June 11–16, 2023.(EI检索的OMAE论文)
(10) Yushun Lian, Rui Wang, Jinhai Zheng, WenXing Chen, Gang Ma, Jun Yu. Comparative Study on Dynamic Response of a Wave Energy Converter with Two Different Mooring Systems. 2023.ICCOE的会议论文.(EI检索).
(11) Jun Yu , Xiaoming Cheng, Ning Guan, Ying Chen, Chunmei Xie,Yushun Lian*, Yonglin Ye.Fluid-structure coupling analysis of large semi-submersible aquaculture platform in ocean. 2023.ICCOE的会议论文.
(12) Yushun Lian, Solomon C. Yim, Jinhai Zheng, Haixiao Liu, NanZhang. Effects of damaged fiber ropes on the performance of a hybrid taut-wire mooring system. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2020, 142(1).
(13) Yushun Lian, Haixiao Liu, Solomon C. Yim, Jinhai Zheng, Pengfei Xu. An investigation on internal damping behavior of fiber rope. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 182: 512-526.
(14) Solomon C. Yim, N. Adami, B. Bosma, T. Brekken, Ming Chen, L. Ghorban Zadeh, Yushun Lian, P. Lomonaco, A. Mohtat, T. Ozakan-Haller, J. Thomson. A preliminary study on the modeling and analysis of nonlinear effects of ocean waves and power-take-off control on wave energy conversion system dynamic. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Scotland, UK, 2019.
(15) Yushun Lian, Jinhai Zheng, Haixiao Liu, Pengfei Xu. A study of the creep-rupture behavior of HMPE ropes using viscoelastic-viscoplastic-viscodamage modeling. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 162: 43-54.
(16) Yushun Lian, Haixiao Liu, Linan Li, Yuming Zhang. An experimental investigation on the bedding-in behavior of synthetic fiber ropes. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 160: 368-381.
(17) Yushun Lian, Jinhai Zheng, Haixiao Liu. An investigation on creep and creep-rupture behaviors of HMPE ropes. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering–Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140(2): 21401-8.
(18) Yushun Lian, Haixiao Liu, Linan Li, Zhang Yuming. An experimental investigation on fatigue behaviors of HMPE ropes. Ocean Engineering, 139(2017):237-249.
(19) Yushun Lian, Haixiao Liu, Jinghai Zheng. Numerical investigation on dynamic responses of HMPE mooring system with damaged lines. Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh (2017) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Hawaii, USA, 2017.
(20) Yushun Lian, Haixiao Liu, Wei Huang, Linan Li. A creep-rupture model of synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings based on thermodynamics. Applied Ocean Research, 2015, 52: 234-244.
(21) Haixiao Liu, Yushun Lian, Linan Li, Zhang Yuming. Experimental investigation on dynamic stiffness of damaged synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering–Transactions of the ASME, 2015, 137 (6): 061401-061401-8.
(22) Wei Huang, Haixiao Liu, Yushun Lian, Linan Li. Modeling nonlinear time-dependent behaviors of synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings under cyclic loading. Ocean Engineering. 2015,109,207-216.
(23) Yushun Lian, Haixiao Liu, Liming Hu. Feasibility analysis of a new hybrid mooring system applied for deep waters. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth (2015) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Hawaii, USA, 2015.
(24) Wei Huang, Haixiao Liu, Yushun Lian, Linan Li. An experimental investigation on nonlinear behaviors of synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings under cyclic loading. Applied Ocean Research, 2014, 45: 22-32.
(25) Wei Huang, Haixiao Liu, Yushun Lian, Linan Li. Modeling nonlinear creep and recovery behaviors of synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings. Applied Ocean Research, 2013, 39: 113-120.
(26) 连宇顺, 刘海笑. 海洋系泊工程中合成纤维系缆研究述评. 海洋工程, 2019, 37:146-158.
(27) 徐鹏飞,程红霞,赵作鹏,连宇顺,刘鑫. 球形底栖潜水器概念设计研究. 中国造船,2018,59(02):169-177.
(28) 李伟男, 刘海笑, 连宇顺. 系缆损伤对绷紧式系泊系统动力响应的影响. 海洋工程, 2017, 3:11-20.
(29) 连宇顺, 郑金海, 刘海笑.长期循环载荷作用下高强聚乙烯系缆绳的动刚度演变. 第十八届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集, 2017,375-382.
(30) 连宇顺, 刘海笑. 深水系泊高强聚乙烯缆绳的蠕变及破断实验研究. 海洋工程, 2016, 3:10-18
(31) 俞俊, 刘海笑, 连宇顺. 损伤聚酯纤维系缆动刚度特性实验研究. 海洋工程, 2016, 1:10-17.
(32) 崔华, 刘海笑, 连宇顺. 聚酯系缆损伤对绷紧式系泊系统动力响应影响的数值考察. 海洋工程, 2016 , 4:71-79.
(33) 连宇顺, 刘海笑, 黄维. 超深水混合缆绷紧式系泊系统非线性循环动力分析. 海洋工程, 2013, 3:1-8.
(34) 连宇顺,天津大学博士论文《纤维系泊缆绳复杂力学性能及其在海洋工程中的应用》,2015.12.
(1)连宇顺,张斌,郑金海,张弛. 一种基于波浪能的排箫海泉景观装置及其结构体设计方法,发明专利,专利号: 202110495460.6, 授权日: 2022-06-10.
(2)连宇顺, 张斌, 郑金海,王岗, 陶爱峰. 一种缆绳磨损疲劳的实验装置,发明专利,专利号: 202110176915.8, 授权日:2022-03-18.
(3)连宇顺; 张斌; 郑金海; 严士常.一种锚泊绳缆工程的实验系统装置,发明专利,专利号:CN202110856524.0,授权日:2022-10-14.
(4)连宇顺,张斌,郑金海,谢永越.一种在役绷紧式系泊系统响应模拟的模型试验装置及方法, 发明专利,专利号: CN202110520067.8,授权日: 2022-11-15.
(5)连宇顺, 郑金海. 一种袋状网缆式重力锚, 发明专利,专利号: ZL201810572251.5, 授权日: 2019.08.01.
(6)连宇顺,郑金海. 一种纤维缆绳蠕变实验装置, 发明专利,专利号: ZL201710630220.6, 授权日: 2020.05.08.
(7)连宇顺,沈舒天;郑金海. 一种海藻养殖装置,发明专利,授权时间:2024.2.14
(1) 全国创新创业优秀博士后的称号. 获奖时间:2023.10.
(2) 连宇顺、郑金海、刘海笑、石建高、Solomon C.Yim等. 获得XPRIZE基金会国际碳去除大赛里程碑赛全球Top60,获奖时间:2022.3.
(3) 连宇顺、田雨欣、王瑞、张斌、沈舒天、潘正虎、李东昂、张雨锋、陈权等.“Kelp Farm Career”项目获2022年中国—东盟创新创业大赛总决赛三等奖. 中国科技部和东盟秘书处联合主办的国际赛事.获奖时间:2022.12.
(4) 第十八届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会青年优秀论文奖,2017
(5) 第二届全国水利优秀毕业生,2010
(2)指导研究生团队Kelp Farm Career (KFC)获得2022年中国—东盟创新创业大赛 国际赛的三等奖(中国科技部和东盟秘书处联合主办的国际赛事)。
(3) 2020-2023年 张斌(2023年研究生国家奖学金获得者,中交港湾),王子健(中铁集团广州设计院)。
(4) 2021-2024年 潘正虎(签约:三峡新能源)、沈舒天(省研究生创新培养计划获得者,华能集团上海电力)、李东昂(签约:中交三航院)、仲凡(签约:上海海事局)、王瑞。
(5) 指导国际留学生SAMUEL OBENG BOAMAH 顺利签约荷兰的Kelp Blue公司助力入围XprizeCarbonRemoval全球Top20。
For International Students:
Dr. Yushun Lian obtained his Ph. D degree in Harbour Coastal and Offshore engineering from TianJin University at 2016. Then, he continued to work as a Post-Doc at Hohai University from 2016-2019. From 2017-2019, he came to OSU (Oregon State University) for an exchanged Post-doc research which was co-funded by China Post-doctoral Council and Oregon State University. He is currently a youth professor at Hohai University. His research interest lies but not limited in Ocean-based Carbon Removal Technology, Fluid Structural Interaction, Ocean Structural Dynamics, MacroAlage Farming Technology, Floating Wind Farming, Mooring Technology for Wave energy converters. Interested students who want to work with me in pursuing Master’s Project, are welcome to contact me by email. More information can be found by visiting my website: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Yushun_Lian2