赵堃,男 ,博士后
2019.02-2021.02 新西兰奥克兰大学,联合培养博士, 导师:Giovanni Coco 教授
2014.09-2021.06 河海大学,港口、海岸及近海工程专业 直博,导师:龚政 教授
2010.09-2014.06 河海大学,港口航道与近海工程专业 本科
2021.08-至今 河海大学 博彩网 博士后
1.中国博士后面上项目,潮流和渗流作用下泥滩潮沟崩岸机制及其地貌效应(资助编号: 2021M701050),2022.01-2023.12,项目经费8万元,主持
[1]Zhao, K., Lanzoni, S., Gong, Z.* and Coco, G., 2021. A numerical model of bank collapse and river meandering. Geophysical Research Letters, p.e2021GL093516.
[2]Zhang, K., Gong, Z.*, Zhao, K., Wang, K., Pan, S. and Coco, G., 2021. Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Overhanging Riverbank Stability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(10).
[3]Xu, F.*, Coco, G., Townend, I., Guo, L., He, Q., Zhao, K. and Zhou, Z., 2021. Rationalizing the Differences Among Hydraulic Relationships Using a Process-Based Model. Water Resources Research, 57(8), p.e2020WR029430.
[4]Zhao, K., Gong, Z.*, Zhang, K., Wang, K., Jin, C., Zhou, Z., Xu, F. and Coco, G., 2020. Laboratory experiments of bank collapse: the role of bank height and near-bank water depth. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(5).
[5]Hua, X., Huang, H., Wang, Y., Yu, X., Zhao, K. and Chen, D., 2020. Seasonal Estuarine Turbidity Maximum under Strong Tidal Dynamics: Three-Year Observations in the Changjiang River Estuary. Water, 12(7), p.1854.
[6]Zhao, K., Gong, Z.*, Xu, F., Zhou, Z., Zhang, C.K., Perillo, G.M.E. and Coco, G., 2019. The role of collapsed bank soil on tidal channel evolution: A process-based model involving bank collapse and sediment dynamics. Water Resources Research, 55(11), pp.9051-9071.
[7]Hua, X., Huang, H., Wang, Y., Lan, Y., Zhao, K. and Chen, D., 2019. Abnormal ETM in the North Passage of the Changjiang River Estuary: Observations in the wet and dry seasons of 2016. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 227, p.106334.
[8]Gong Z., Zhao K.*, Zhang C.K, Dai W., Coco G., Zhou Z. * (2018) The role of bank collapse on tidal creek ontogeny: A novel process-based model for bank retreat, Geomorphology. 311, 13-26.
[9]Jin, C., Gong, Z., Geng, L., Zhao, K., Xu, B. and Coco, G., 2018. Observations of Surface and Subsurface Processes on a Saltmarsh in the Central Jiangsu Coast (China). Journal of Coastal Research, (85), pp.296-300.
[10]Xu, B., Gong, Z., Zhang, Q., Zhang, C. and Zhao, K., 2018. Non-Equilibrium Suspended Sediment Transport on the Intertidal Flats of Jiangsu Coast, China. Journal of Coastal Research, (85), pp.251-255.
[11]Dai W., Li H., Zhou Z., Cybele S., Lu C., Zhao K., Zhang X., Yang H. and Li D. (2018) UAV photogrammetry for elevation monitoring of intertidal mudflats. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue for International Coastal Symposium 2018. Special Issue No. 85, pp. 236–240, doi: 10.2112/SI85-048.1.
[12]赵堃, 龚政, 陈海英. 长江中下游条崩型崩岸机理分析[J]. 江苏水利, 2021.
[13]龚政, 石磊, 靳闯, 张茜, 赵堃. 江苏中部潮滩长期演变规律及其受米草生长影响[J]. 水科学进展,2021, 32(4), pp.618-626.
[14]龚政, 张岩松, 赵堃, 周曾, 张长宽. 风暴作用下淤泥质潮滩-潮沟系统地貌演变研究进展[J]. 水利水电科技进展, 2019, pp. 75-84.
[15]龚政, 甘全, 徐贝贝, 张茜, 赵堃, 张长宽. 潮间带泥沙起动切应力现场测量装置[J]. 水利水电科技进展, 2019, pp. 56-61.
[16]龚政, 白雪冰, 靳闯, 赵堃, 周曾, 张长宽. 基于植被和潮动力作用的潮滩剖面演变数值模拟[J]. 水科学进展, 2018, 29(6), pp.877-886.
[17]王宁舸, 龚政, 张长宽, 赵堃, 耿亮. 淤泥质潮滩地貌演变中的水动力及生物过程研究进展[J]. 海洋工程, 2016, 34(1), pp.104-116.
[1]Zhao, K., Gong, Z., Zhou, Z., Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Morphodynamic evolution of tidal creeks: A numerical model considering bank collapse, the 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS2016), 海牙, 2016年10月.
[2]Zhao, K., Gong, Z., Xu, F., Zhou, Z., Perillo, G.M.E., Coco, G., The Role of Collapsed Bank Soil on Tidal Channel Evolution: A Process‐Based Model Involving Bank Collapse and Sediment Dynamics, the 11th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2019), 奥克兰, 2019年11月.
[3]Zhao, K., Lanzoni, S., Gong, Z., Coco, G., A morphodynamic model of river meandering involving floodplain heterogeneity, vegetation dynamics, and bank collapse, the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 华盛顿(线上), 2020年12月.
[1] 龚政,王客予,赵堃,张凯丽,陈云洲. 一种潮沟边壁冲刷速率测量物理实验系统及方法[P]. 中国专利:ZL201910501308.7.
[2] 龚政,赵堃,戴玮琪,周曾,张凯丽,徐凡,李欢,张长宽. 一种潮沟边壁侵蚀物理实验系统及方法[P]. 中国专利:ZL201810594440.2.
[3] 戴玮琪,李欢,赵堃,张长宽,路翠卓,杨华韬,李定远,耿亮,张孝严. 基于倾斜摄影三维重建技术的淤泥质潮滩地形演变方法 [P]. 中国专利:ZL201711217372.X.
[4] 龚政,赵堃,戴玮琪,李欢,周曾,王韫玮,张长宽.潮沟边壁冲刷及塌落过程的一维模拟方法[P]. 中国专利:ZL201610466198.1.
[5] 龚政,徐贝贝,张茜,周曾,顾长才,耿亮,赵堃,张长宽. 潮滩泥沙临界起动切应力原位测试装置及监测方法[P]. 中国专利:201610534494.0.
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