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发布人: 博彩网     发布时间: 2022-06-06     访问次数: 950






2017/7 - 2021/10 博士,乌得勒支大学,地球科学专业,导师:Prof. Tjeerd J Bouma

2010/9 – 2017/7 硕博连读,华东师范大学,生态学专业,导师:张利权教授

2006/9 – 2010/7 硕士,安徽农业大学,生态学专业


2022/2-至今 河海大学,博彩网 ,博士后

2017/7-2021/10 荷兰皇家海洋研究所(NIOZ),联合培养








3.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,长江口盐沼湿地生态系统稳态转换过程与机制研究, 2019年1月-2022年12月, 62万元,在研,参与

4.国家科技部, 国家重点研发计划项目, 2016YFE0133700, 应对转型中的河口三角洲 , 2018年1月-2021-12,708万元,结题,参与

5.荷兰Rijkswaterstaat和CoE-Delta technology,荷兰科研基金,CoE-Perkpolder,2016年1月-2019年12月,10万欧元,结题,参与




1.Cao H, Zhu Z, Hu Z, Wang H and Bouma TJ. 2022. Drainage-improved sediment strength enhances saltmarsh seedling establishment chance. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:874680.

2.Cao H, Zhu Z, Herman PMJ, Temmerman S, de Smit J, Zhang L, Yuan L, Bouma TJ. 2021. Plant traits determining biogeomorphic landscape dynamics: a study on clonal expansion strategies driving cliff formation at marsh edges. Limnology and Oceanography, 66: 3754-3767.

3.Cao H, Zhu Z, van Belzen J, Gourgue O, van de Koppel J, Temmerman S, Herman PMJ, Zhang L, Yuan L, Bouma TJ. 2021. Salt marsh establishment in poorly consolidated muddy systems: effects of surface drainage, elevation and plant age. Ecosphere, 12(9), e03755.

4.Cao H, Zhu Z, James R, Herman PMJ, Zhang L, Yuan L, Bouma TJ. 2019. Wave effects on seedling establishment of three pioneer marsh species: survival, morphology and biomechanics. Annals of Botany, 125(2): 345-352.

5.Cao H, Zhu Z, Balke T, Zhang L, Bouma TJ. 2018. Effects of sediment disturbance regimes on Spartina seedling establishment: implications for salt marsh creation and restoration. Limnology and Oceanography, 63: 647-659.

6.Zhang H, Sun T, Zhou Z, Cao H, Qiu J, Huang, X. 2022. Increased river flow enhances the resilience of spatially patterned mudflats to erosion. Water Research, 220: 118660. 

7.Zhang H, Sun T, Cao H, Zhang Y. 2021. Movement of mud snails in a patterned intertidal mudflat: Suboptimal movement can be optimal for population persistence. Landscape Ecology, 36, 3493-3506.

8.Yuan L, Chen Y, Wang H, Cao H, Zhao Z, Tang C, Zhang L. 2020. Windows of opportunity for salt marsh establishment: the importance for salt marsh restoration in the Yangtze Estuary. Ecosphere, 11(7): e03180.

9.Cui L, Yuan L, Ge Z, Cao H, Zhang L. 2020. The impacts of biotic and abiotic interaction on the spatial pattern of salt marshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 238: 1-9.



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